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10,000 Small Businesses

A unique and practical programme designed to help the leaders of established small businesses and social enterprises define and achieve their business growth aspirations.

The 10,000 Small Businesses programme will be of interest to ambitious business leaders.

Programme Overview

10,000 Small Businesses is designed to unlock the economic and job creation potential of small businesses and social enterprises operating in the United Kingdom. The programme is based on the broadly held view of leading experts that greater access to a combination of education and business support services best address barriers to growth. 10,000 Small Businesses is targeted at small businesses and social enterprises with clear ambitions to expand. The goal of the programme is to equip participants with tools to help them overcome a range of obstacles and lay the foundation for long-term sustainable growth and job creation in their communities.


“It is often said that being at the head of your own business is a lonely position; this course helped me to understand that many people were in exactly the same position as me and some had actually pushed on past and got to the other side”

“When you are running a business (especially a social enterprise!), it is easy to become distracted. The course really helps you to focus on what the important elements for growth are”

“I now spend more time on strategic thinking and planning, I listen more and I try to keep out of the way of my great team”