Coordinated and project managed by the Centre for Enterprise with the Manchester Metropolitan University Business School, the project will develop a Training Tool to allow European Micro Enterprises to adopt social media, big data, mobile and cloud solutions, in order to facilitate the acquisition of e-leadership skills by staff of micro enterprises in Europe. The target group for DiTEM is adults working as managers, business executives and staff of small enterprises who are not engaged in any formal education pathway (e.g. school, university), but recognise they will benefit from participating in high quality life-long learning to enable them to update their skills in line with trends in the labour market and technology.
The project runs from September 2016 - August 2018.
We will deliver:
The consortium is comprised of 7 partners from 6 European countries: UK, Italy, Finland, Greece, Bulgaria and Denmark. We will focus on working with small firms themselves, and digital entrepreneurship.
The partners on this project are: