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CoMoViWo: Communication in Mobile and Virtual Work

About the project

CoMoViWo is an Erasmus+ project with MMU working alongside the following CARPE partners: Turku University of Applied Sciences, Universitat Politècnica de València, the International Language Association (ICC) and Gdansk University of Technology.

We will work to prepare students for the challenges of an international work environment. The project will develop understanding of the communication literacy needed by employees and managers to be successful in the virtual and mobile work environment. Using CfE’s extensive experience in this area, we will link the worlds of business and academia, producing considered research on the topic, alongside the development of virtual communication training modules. English and Spanish will be the languages used as a lingua franca in the modules

Project Partners

The HEIs are partners in CARPE (Consortium on Applied Research and Professional Education), the first partnership of its kind in the field of Applied Sciences in Europe, started in 2011. CARPE aims at connecting education and research with their regions to increase social and economic value of the knowledge that they create. The partners taking part in CoMoViWo are: